Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Beer Snobs Visit the Brewerie at Union Station, Erie PA - 7 out of 10

The Brewerie at Union Station

Beer Snob's Rating: 7.0

Epic, historical...  I feel like I traveled through time. Truly an old train depot and railroad station. The Grand Concourse and Rotunda were home to the Union News stand, a soda fountain bar, a barber shop and other merchants, which are now multiple bars and seating areas. Climb the labyrinth of stairs to find the loading platform, which is now a beer garden. Don't be fooled, these rails are still very much in use. Speaking of which, we witnessed first hand, up close and personal, the mile-long Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus train come roaring through at 40 mph on its way to Albany, New York!! We cannot stress enough how wonderful of an experience it is to reflect back to olden days and enjoy a cold glass of craft beer.

Atmosphere: 5/5

Menu: Traditional, they pretty much have it all. A bit expensive.

Entertainment: Various events, fundraisers, and entertainment. A few TV's here and there, but not enough to spoil the atmosphere

Other Amenities: Railside Beer Garden

Promotional: 9-11 happy hour

What kind of other alcohol do they serve? Everything

Creativity of Brew Master: Very traditional, nothing too bizarre. A few seasonals.

How many of your own beers on tap? 9 in house on any given day.

The Beers We Tried

Hopness Monster IPA - This West coast style India Pale Ale is graced with a monstrous amount of hops. With a huge bite and a big hop profile, it may become a legend in its own right!
6.7% ABV
No IBU available
Our take: Sheesha likes the name, it made her very hoppy... (: Good aroma, great beer for IPA'ers
Our rating: 7/10

Railway Hefe Weizen - Our take on a German style wheat beer (hefe “yeast” & weizen “wheat”), this ale is light, crisp and refreshing. Unfiltered by tradition, she is a bit cloudy with a hint of citrus.
4.5% ABV
No IBU available
Our take: Fine, smooth blend. Excellent wheat profiles. Overall very weiss bier
Our rating: 7/10

Octoberfest - No brewery description available
5.2% ABV
No IBU available
Our take: Very smooth and tasty, seasonal for sure. Tastes like a Yuengling being that it is smooth and not too sweet.
Our rating: 7.5/10 (Pablo: 7/10, Sheesha: 8/10)

Apparition Amber Ale - In the early 1900’s a young girl named Clara lost her life in a terrible fall down the back stairwell of the station. To this day strange things go on in that area of the building courtesy of Clara. So in honor of our resident ghost we name this traditional American style pub ale.
7.2% ABV
No IBU established
Our take: Very mysterious... assumed it would be a lot like a Yuengling but I was wrong. Complex profile with a little bit.... barley? Malt? Caramel? Coffee? Fine, slightly on the sweet side. Smells fantastic! Smooth. Weird, almost coffee taste which is appealing
Our rating: 7/10

Overall suggested beer: Octoberfest

Will we go back? We give it a 4
1 - been there done that
2 - sure, if someone else is buying
3 - yes, if I'm in the neighborhood
4 - hell yes!

There was better architecture than beer, but well worth the visit!!


Disclaimer: While these are the opinions of two people who may not agree on their beer preferences, occasionally they do. Your opinion may differ. We would love to hear what you think.

Comment rules: no profanity, or mean character assassinations. Please, only constructive contribution. Cheers!

If there's a certain beer you like at a brewery, please tell us what your preference is so that other beer folk with the same taste can enjoy your suggestion!

- Pablo and Sheesha 

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