Saturday, December 17, 2016

Beers of the Weird: Enough with the Pumpkin Beer!

As we trudge forward towards the holidays with its endless consumerism and cheerful music we often seek solace by visiting our merry little local brewery.  While I understand it is in the spirit of the holidays, but why do they all have to have a pumpkin beer?  Sure it’s an interesting combination that is deserved of a beer flight, or sampler, yet it is now such holiday staple - I for one ask all brewers to become more creative.  Heck, some even have two different types of pumpkin beer. Stop the fermenters!

Image result for no pumpkinSo after a little thought, I have come up with some ideas to scrooge the pumpkin beer.

  • ·         Chocolate Stout with a touch of Peppermint
  • ·         Eggnog Malt Beer
  • ·         Chestnut IPA Beer
  • ·         Nutmeg Bok Beer
  • ·         Belgian Fruitcake Beer
  • ·         Sugar Cookie Ale

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